A chat in Chile is characterized by its friendly and close style, reflecting the warmth and informality of Chilean culture. In this type of conversation, it is common to use colloquial and direct language, with local expressions that facilitate fluid and close communication between the interlocutors.Chileans usually greet with a simple "Hello" or "How are you?", followed by questions like "How are you?" or "What are you saying?" These initial greetings and questions establish a relaxed and receptive atmosphere for the conversation.During the chat, it is common to use abbreviations such as "tb" (also), "q" (that), "xo" (but) and other shortenings that speed up writing without losing clarity in the message. In addition, expressions such as "Cachai?" are used to confirm mutual understanding or "Bacán" to express satisfaction or approval.When saying goodbye, informal terms such as “Bye”, “See you” or “Talk to you later” are usually used, reflecting a cordial and friendly attitude towards the interlocutor.In summary, a chat in Chile is characterized by its friendly tone, moderate use of abbreviations, colloquial expressions and a direct but respectful style, creating an environment conducive to informal and close conversations.